Howie Sorenson, left, discusses boat specifics with Todd Walters of Winona. The Winona boat show took place at the National Guard Armory in Winona from Friday to Sunday. (Photo by Paul Solberg/Winona Daily News)
Hi gang, Rick here again from Bayliner Boats with a report from the Winona Boat Show. The ground is covered in snow yet spring was in the air at Sunday’s Winona Boat Show held at the Winona Guard Armory.
January is a busy time for boat sellers, said Eryn Dressler, a salesperson with American Marine in La Crosse, Wis.“People start getting cabin fever,” Dressler said.
Boat manufacturers and sellers know this, offering incentives such as no payments until Memorial Day for prospective buyers. Dressler said the slowest month for boat sales is November. “Everybody’s buying Christmas presents,” Dressler said.
The show started Friday and ended Sunday. Boats on display at the show cost $11,000 to $35,000. If money is no object, Dressler would be happy to sell you a 40-foot cruiser for $350,000. He’s been selling boats for about three years. The most expensive one he’s sold so far was a 34-foot Sea Ray for about $130,000.
“It’s a lot of fun. We’re not selling life insurance,” Dressler. “We’re selling something people enjoy.”
Boat sales have been down the past two years, according to the Chicago-based National Marine Manufactures Association. Powerboat sales, considered the industry barometer, fell 5 percent in 2006 from a year earlier, according to the trade group. Consumers purchased 219,000 powerboats that year for $9.6 billion. The association estimates that sales fell an additional 7 percent last year, based on preliminary numbers.
Bob and Bonnie Vogelsang bought a 25-foot Sea Ray cruiser back in September. The couple came to the show to find out if they got a good deal and to check out boating accessories.
“There’s always something you need,” Bob Vogelsang said. The Vogelsangs, who say they’re “old enough to be retired,” used to spend lots of time on the river when they were teens. The two have been boating for about four years and upgraded from their much smaller pontoon boat.
Their new boat comes equipped with a bathroom, something Bob says is a necessity when boating with women.“Otherwise, you’re always stopping back at the marina,” Bob said. They hope to hit the water in mid-April. “We’re anxious for spring,” Bonnie said. Thanks to Käri Knutson, winonadailynews.com for this.
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Rick Ostler, Bayliner Boats.
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