Friday, March 28, 2008

Bayliner Boats - Fire at Port of Kimberling Marina

Hi gang, Rick Ostler here again bringing you Bayliner Boats and news from the boating industry. KIMBERLING CITY, Mo. -- Instead of preparing their boats for spring, some owners spent Saturday preparing claims for their insurance companies. Gordon Weathers, a spokesman for Southern Stone County Fire Protection District, said "This is the first lightning to a boat I've heard of."

Shortly before midnight Friday, fire department officials believe, lightning hit the Port of Kimberling Marina, sending an electric surge throughout the dock. That surge shorted out a pontoon in one of the bays, sparking the fire.

Weathers says a big ball of fire was visible from Reeds Spring, 10 miles away. When firefighters arrived at dock 72 the metal structure and nine boats were on fire.

Weathers says their first job is to preserve life and property so, instead of battling flames, firefighters cut the untouched boats free from the dock. Eight boats were saved but nine boats were destroyed. A neighboring dock was also saved from an errant burning boat that broke away from dock 72.

The fire was under control in less than an hour. The dock still afloat on Saturday is ruled a total loss.

The dock owner says the marina will be back up and running, good as new, by Memorial Day. Thanks to Chad Plein, KY3 News for this.

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Rick Ostler, Bayliner Boats.

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