Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bayliner Boats - Discover Boating News

Hi gang, Rick Ostler here bringing you Bayliner Boats with news from Discover Boating. New additions to campaign make it easier for potential buyers to get started

The 2008 Discover Boating advertising campaign kicks into high gear this month with new components specifically designed to make it easier for interested boat owners to order the Discover Boating DVD and ultimately, drive these potential buyers to manufacturers and dealers.

These new campaign additions include an enhanced call-to-action within the TV advertising, new online creative and search engine marketing. The campaign starts the last week of March and will run through the end of May for a total of 9 weeks.

“Our primary objective with this year’s advertising campaign is to continue to build brand awareness while sealing our lead generation results,” says Lindsay Rennie, Marketing Director of the Discover Boating program. “Our advertising has been a crucial part of the success of the Discover Boating initiative, as it’s a major driver of leads. It is exciting that we’re able to add these new targeted, lead-generating elements this year.”

The campaign is again national in scope, meaning it reaches every home across Canada via specialty cable television, online advertising and search engine results derived through Google. A total of approximately 1,800 occasions of the successful “Wave” and “Dogs” spots will air from March through May on several major cable TV networks throughout the country, including: TSN, Discover Channel, History Channel and RDS. “1,800 spots that run nationally translates to 1,800 spots running in every city, big and small, across the country, with no skew to any particular region,” explains Rennie. Graphic enhancements to this year’s versions of the spots include an image of the DVD and the text “Free DVD” appearing on-screen, both to provide a greater push for the offer.

Internet advertising is ramping up again in 2008, with ad placements on a wide variety of websites, including MSN/Sympatico, Yahoo and Canoe. The new online creative includes eye-catching Flash video embedded into the ads. New keyword advertising on will also run throughout the campaign period which will drive increased traffic to through highly ranked results of online searches around boating topics.

Discover Boating is a public awareness effort managed by NMMA Canada on behalf of the Canadian recreational boating industry. Discover Boating programs focus on increasing participation and creating interest in recreational boating by demonstrating the benefits, affordability and accessibility of the boating lifestyle while helping to educate potential boaters and offering opportunities to experience the fun and togetherness of being on the water in a boat.

Each year more than 6 million people in Canada enjoy boating, the recreational activity that "connects like no other.” To find out more, visit
Thanks to Boat Industry Canada for this.

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Also we value your comments, if you can add more info in regards to this article please do so. Thank you.
Rick Ostler, Bayliner Boats.

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