Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Bayliner Boats - Pro-clean Canada Opens a New Franchise in BC

Hi gang, Rick here again from Bayliner Boats. G R Pro-clean Canada Has Opened a New Franchise in the Kootenay's. G R Pro-clean Canada, the specialist boat cleaning company for all new and pre-owned fiberglass boats has opened a new franchise location in Cranbrook, B.C. covering the Kootenays. This continues the expansion of the company’s mobile service which also covers Vancouver Islandand Metro Vancouver.

Chris Wood the new Kootenays franchisee, says “I purchased my first boat 37 years ago and have been playing with them ever since. Boats are definitely my passion!” Chris has operated his engine rebuilding business, Chris Wood Engines, in Cranbrook since 1997.

Nick Webster, of G R Pro-clean Canada, says “We are very pleased to have Chris join us and expand our services across BC, which signifies our ongoing commitment to being the boat cleaning company of choice for Canadian boaters.”

G R Pro-clean’s treatment system uses cleaning agents that get deeply into the pores and remove the dirt, without damaging the gelcoat. Once clean, a synthetic ‘wax’ is applied to the surface producing a highly polished finish which is stain and UV light resistant. New boats are protected from day one whilst colour and shine is restored to pre-owned boats.

An example price for G R Pro-clean’s services would be $483 for the hull of a 22-foot boat to $1025 for the whole boat. G R Pro-clean operates inEurope, the United States, the Caribbean and Australia, and claims to be the only global yacht care service. For more information
contact:G R Pro-clean Canada Ltd, Tel: 250 390 7521 / 604 947 0214
Thanks to Boating Industry Canada for this.

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Also we value your comments, if you can add more info in regards to this article please do so. Thank you.
Rick Ostler, Bayliner Boats.

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