Thursday, February 7, 2008

Bayliner Boats - New Invention "DUAL PROP TROLLING MOTOR"

Hi gang, Rick here with Bayliner Boats with a really cool invention. InventHelp announces that one of its clients, an inventor from Greenfield , Ind. , has designed a trolling motor system with increased thrust.

The DUAL PROP TROLLING MOTOR was developed to increase a boat's thrust without further draining the battery. It would allow boats to travel greater distances using less battery power and would enable fishing enthusiasts to remain on the water for longer periods of time. In addition it would feature durable construction and would be adaptable for use with existing motors.

The inventor came up with the idea based on his personal experience. "I've been an avid fisherman for eighteen years, and I needed something that increased my boat's thrust on windy days so I could cross the lake easily without draining the battery," he said.

The original design was submitted to the Indianapolis office of InventHelp. It is currently available for licensing or sale to manufacturers or marketers. For more information, call (412) 288-1300 ext. 1368.
Thanks to Boating Industry Canada for this.

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Rick Ostler, Bayliner Boats.

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