Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Bayliner Boats - Big Success at Toronto Boat Show

Hi gang, Rick here from Bayliner boats, There was plenty to celebrate at the 50th Annual Toronto International Boat Show. With steady crowds filling the Direct Energy Centre throughout the Show’s nine-day run, its attendance surpassed last year’s, with 91,433 visitors – an increase of one percent, with a six percent increase over the three-year average.

Numbers were also up for dealers, who reported the 2008 Show brought in record sales. “We continued to stay focused and on course with the intent to grow quality attendance and improve the retail environment,” said Cynthia Hare , Show Manager. “Our unified efforts with contributing partners, show committee and exhibitors exceeded our expectations as exhibitors reported very good sales and strong leads. We are thrilled at this positive outcome for the manufacturers and dealers in the Toronto International Boat Show.”

The Boat Warehouse (dealer for Four Winns and Silverton), was astounded by its sales at the 2008 Show. “We never really had a chance to catch our breath,” said President Dave Mayhew. “The opening Saturday just blew the doors off anything we’d experienced before, and sales remained strong throughout the week and into the closing weekend. Unsure of what the loonie might do next, visitors to our booth decided to buy now instead of waiting, just in case it lost some ground.”

Frank Farnsworth , General Manager for Skyline Marina Ltd. (dealer for Sea Ray) reported, “Our best-ever show, without a doubt. We’ve had great sales since the early fall but we really out did ourselves once the Show opened.” Farnsworth was particularly pleased with this year’s marketing campaign. “We felt that it did a good job to adjust the focus from simply seeing the boats at the Boat Show to encouraging visitors that this is the place to buy a boat.”

Brown Sales has been exhibiting at the Toronto Boat Show for the past 25 years, and according to owner Kevin Brown, “It was phenomenal—our best show ever!” Andy Blenkarn, President of Desmasdons Boat Works, attributes a number of factors to his successful Toronto Boat Show. “It all came together beautifully this year: great Show incentives, a strong Canadian dollar and really engaged shoppers,” said Blenkarn. Sales were so good, Blenkarn sold a record number of boats on opening weekend. “This year’s show was totally amazing and we’ll definitely be coming back in 2009,” said Andrew Rork, Co-owner of Cottage Toys. “Our sales were up by almost 40 percent, which is fantastic.” Rork credits the Toronto Boat Show make-up for its continued success. “Everyone complements each other. It’s a well-balanced show.”

The strong Canadian dollar and an excellent selection of new products boosted sales for Angus Yachts (dealer for Hunter, Jeanneau, Cruisers and Silverton). According to President Al Patterson , a strong dollar is the best thing for customers. “It allows us to offer the same pricing as U.S. dealers,” said Patterson. He expects to sell close to $9 million in boats as a result of the Toronto Boat Show.

Brian McComb, President of Woodland Marine (dealer for Caravelle, Starcraft and Kawasaki Jet-Skis) was saying much the same thing. “In spite of the ‘doom and gloom’ you read about in the newspapers, the boating public isn’t hesitating when they see a good deal,” said McComb. “Based on the 2008 Show sales, we fully expect to have a great year.” Woodland Marine saw an increase in overall boat sales in 2008 and secured many strong leads from the Show.

While the Canadian dollar wasn’t as much a factor for Paddle Shack’s success, the expanded variety of customers was. “We had more cottage owners stop by this year,” said Co-owner Chris Davidson. “With growing families and increased fuel costs, people are looking for more affordable ways to have fun together. Our paddle boats are just what they’re looking for.” Home-grown products were also important to Davidson’s customers. Like many exhibitors, Holland Marine experienced a good show. “All of our products sold like crazy, beyond our wildest dreams,” said owner Peter Tielen. “We were up by at least 50 percent over the 2007 Show.”

It was another strong year for George Bond, President of Nautical Footwear. “Our sales were so strong at the 2007 Toronto Boat Show that I thought we might end up a little lower this year. Not so -- we were up 10 percent. The NMMA staff has gone above and beyond to accommodate the needs of each exhibitor.” In 2009, the Toronto International Boat Show will celebrate its 51st year, promising another exciting and valuable opportunity to launch the boating season. The 2009 Toronto International Boat Show is scheduled for January 10 - 19. For Show information, visit or call (905) 951-0009. Thanks to Boating Industry Canada for this.

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Rick Ostler, Bayliner Boats.

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