Sunday, November 16, 2008

How to obtain hull number for a homemade boat?

How to obtain hull number for a homemade boat?: "Your help would be greatly appreciated, please leave your comments thank you.

Trent Severn, Trent Severn Waterway information, activities,

Trent Severn, Trent Severn Waterway information, activities,: You will also receive a free copy of the Trent Severn Waterway Boating Safely Guide, which contains information on;

Before you cast off. Locking through safely. Emergency assistance. Fees and permits. Water depths. Navigation data charts. Information addresses. Bridge clearances. Aids to navigation. speed limits. And much more. A must read when planning your Trent-Severn Waterway voyage. Get your Free Copy Now!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Whats a whale finn? - Bayliner Parts

Whats a whale finn? - Bayliner Parts: it's called a "dolphin"; two plates that bolt to the lower unit of the outboard above the prop ( look kinda like two short wings) and help the boat plane ( get up out of the water and scoot) sooner…..

Monday, November 3, 2008

Tips on Buying a Bayliner Storage-Trailer Cover

Tips on Buying a Bayliner Storage-Trailer Cover: One of the most common styles of boat cover is the Storage/Trailer Boat Cover. This type of cover is designed to cover the boat completely from bow to stern.

What Makes Bayliner Boats the Number One Selling Boat?

What Makes Bayliner Boats the Number One Selling Boat?: A Friend of mine is in the process of buying a new boat. He came to me recently and asked I've heard mixed reviews about Bayliner boats. Looking at a 2007-2008 Bayliner 175 or 185 runabout or ski/fish. For around $11,600 to $1,600, it seems like a great deal!
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